Tuesday, October 14, 2008

NO on 4: No means No. No to Legislating Family Communication

We voted No in 2005 and 2006. Now we have to vote No again. This is another attack by a millionaire anti-abortion zealot who has done little to prevent teen pregnancy or help pregnant teens. California has made great progress reducing teen pregnancy. Most girls do talk to their parents. A law for the rest simply won't work. There really are teenagers who have families who may disown or harm their daughter for getting pregnant in the first place.

This time around, the initiative's authors added a clause that allows civil lawsuits against doctors who perform unauthorized abortions. That's just what we need: to put more lawsuits in our health care system.

Please join the California Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, League of Women Voters, the Council of Churches, me, and hundreds of others. For a very detailed description, see the LWV pro/con writeup.

Vote No on 4, and stop a millionaire from trying (again and again) to legislate how families communicate. I also encourage you to donate or volunteer to help the campaign - the latest polls show it has a real chance of passing this time around.

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