Tuesday, October 30, 2012

No on 38: Billionaire #2 with inadequate education funding

Billionaire iniative #2. This one is from Molly Munger, whose good intentions are trying to save funding for California's schools. Prop 38 would increase income taxes across the board (more on higher-income, less on lower-income, but still raises across the board) and use all the funding for K-12 education. Nothing for community colleges or universities, no help for the rest of the state budget. That's ballot-box budgeting (bad), but it is for schools (good). In another year, I might be voting for this.

But if Prop 38 passes and gets more votes than Prop 30, its provisions would go into effect and Prop 30's would not. That means that we'd still have the huge potential cuts to everything besides K-12 education. Sorry, but I think community colleges and mental health services and all the other functions of state government are also important.

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