Tuesday, October 30, 2012

No on 33: Bad Billionaire #1: Manipulating the Insurance Market

Oy! Enough with the billionaire insurance executive continually trying to manipulate the car insurance market. Prop 33 is a retread of Prop 17 that we voted down two years ago. I didn't like it then, I don't like it now. As in 2010, this is put on the ballot by the billionaire head of Mercury Insurance Company. It would undo a provision of Prop 103, something we all passed 24 years ago, that disallows insurance companies from charging higher premiums because of a lapse in coverage. People can have lapses in coverage for all sorts of reasons -- it doesn't mean they are less safe drivers. The coalition against Prop 33 is widespread: consumer watchdogs, seniors, Democrats, labor, lotsa newspapers. Check out the campaign if you want more info. 

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