Wednesday, January 30, 2008

YES on 93 to Reduce the Power of Lobbyists

Term limits are bad. This loosens them a little.

Term limits give more power to lobbyists, who stay in
Sacramento for decades while legislators are termed out.

Prop 93 would allow someone to spend up to 12 years in the Legislature as a whole, rather than individual limits in each house. This will reduce the crazy musical chairs of people jumping from one house to another. And no, it doesn't bug me that Perata and Nunez, and some other legislators, will get a few more years in office. This law is only a minor tweak, but it is a good tweak.

If you like term limits - which means that you must trust lobbyists and the governor more than you trust your legislators - then go ahead and oppose this. But if you want the legislature to have more ability to actually make decisions, vote Yes on 93.


Unknown said...

But this will reduce terms from 14 years to 12 years. I guess you're seeing the negative effect of the reduction in terms as being offset by the ability for politicians to stay in one house. But to me it seems like a further tightening of term limits which makes me want to oppose this one. Comments?


Jeff Hobson said...

Seth - I think the biggest problem with term limits is that they force each legislative seat to have a new job trainee at least every 6-8 years. Prop 93 will extend the maximum time in one seat.

Currently, Assemblymembers start running for the Senate within a couple years of their first election. With Prop 93, we will be less likely to get a first-year legislator as the Assembly Speaker or Whip (Nunez & Chan). Nothing against those two, but I think it would be better if people were more likely to have a couple years in the legislature before trying to lead it.

Unknown said...

My thinking has changed and I now support Prop 93. My biggest realization was learning "polls all show that it would be almost impossible to simply repeal term limits" (SF Bay Guardian). So, in that context Prop 93 seems like the best we can hope for at this time. Plus, I also take your point that "the biggest problem with term limits is that they force each legislative seat to have a new job trainee at least every 6-8 years".

BTW, I like your use of a blog for this information. Not only does it allow for comments, but it also serves as an archive. Nice going!