Here are my recommendations on Berkeley’s measures and elected officials:
Berkeley Measures
FF: Yes to Parcel Tax for Emergency ServicesGG - Yes for Trip Tax on Transportation Network Companies (Uber+Lyft)HH - Yes for Utility Users tax for Reduce Greenhouse Gas EmissionsII - Yes for a new Police Accountability BoardJJ - Yes for Higher Mayor + Council salariesKK - Yes to Update Outdated Parts of the City CharterLL - Yes to Extend Voter-Approved Spending LimitsMM - No Endorsement on Complicated Measure on Rent Control and ADUs
Berkeley Elected Officials
School Board: Laura Babitt and Ana VasudeoMayor: Jesse ArreguinCity Council, District 2: Terry Taplin #1 (plus #2 Carter, #3 Sharenko)City Council, District 3: Deborah Matthews #1, Ben Bartlett #2City Council, District 5: No endorsementCity Council, District 6: No endorsementRent Stabilization Board: Marasovic, Johnson, Kelley, Simon-Weisberg, and either Ahmadi or Panahi
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